Friday, May 14, 2010

How Long Is A Piece Of String

Another excellent BBC Horizon, presented by Alan Davies. Bitta Booka Shade thrown in in the backround there too :)

Probably avoid watching this on a hangover, prepare for a bit of a head melt.

Liquid Mountaineering

Walking on water! One of the coolest clips I've seen in ages.

One small blog for man...

Just a small teaser montage of some partially restored footage of the moon landing. It's part of a larger restoration project that will be supposedly completed in September (woohoo) and provide a newly restored high definition video of the entire Apollo 11 moonwalk.

In 1969 the live broadcast was recorded onto tapes as a backup if the live feed failed. But of course those tapes were lost, sure why wouldn't they be.... and a three-year hunt for them was unsuccessful, (must have done a runner with the socks) so engineers were left just with recordings of the TV broadcast to work with, which obviously lost a lot of resolution as they travelled from the Moon to the tv stations.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BBC Horizon - Life and Death

Will scientists every discover the fountain of youth...........?

Who wants to live forever?? I for one don't think I'd fancy it anyway, imagine how bored you'd get knowing it was NEVER going to end. Although if they can prevent old age it mightn't be so bad, still though.. Invincibility on the other hand, that'd be some laugh. Cartwheelin' parachuteless out of planes n stuff.